[Terrapreta] subscribe

Sean K. Barry sean.barry at juno.com
Mon May 12 22:25:47 CDT 2008

Hi May,

You are very welcome here and by your described curriculum vitae and current occupations you may likely be able to provide some very valuable information to this group.  I would suggest that you read from the archives on this site and feel free to ask anyone any questions.

I think there is no reason why you could not use this metric ton of charcoal that you have as a "biochar" soil amendment.  There are people on this list, e.g. Nikolaus Foidl and Lou Gold, who may live near you (I know they are at least in South America with you).  Nikolaus is an active agricultural engineer who works there (It seems.  I do not know all of the details of his experience and/or training).  But, I suspect Nikolaus may be able to provide for you some very reasonable guidelines about how to use biochar in agriculture in the Amazon.  Drs. Christoph Steiner and Johannes Lehmann, also on this list, may also be very good sources for you or even interested in cooperative efforts with you.  Ms. Christelle Braun has generously provided her help in setting up an "experimental trials" database for the TP list.  She would , I am sure, be more than happy to help you learn the system for providing information about any field trials using "biochar" and/or charcoal production methods to this database.

We are very intensely interested on this list about the anthropological underpinnings of the "Terra Preta de Indio" phenomenon, found only there in the Amazon River basin.  You may already have some insights that could help us.

Thank you so much if you are willing an able to join or discussions and for anything you can bring to them.

It was an anthropologist, named Wim Sombroek, studying in South America, who discovered Terra Preta anew in the late 20th century.



Sean K. Barry
Principal Engineer/Owner
Troposphere Energy, LLC
11170 142nd St. N.
Stillwater, MN 55082-4797
(651)-285-0904 (Work/Cell)
(651)-351-0711 (Home/Fax)
sean.barry at juno.com<mailto:sean.barry at juno.com>

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: May Waddington<mailto:may.waddington at gmail.com> 
  To: terrapreta at bioenergylists.org<mailto:terrapreta at bioenergylists.org> 
  Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 6:41 AM
  Subject: [Terrapreta] subscribe

  My name is May Waddington, and I am a PHd antrhopologist. I have worked in the amazon for many years with an indigenous tribe, and in Northeast Brazil with traditional groups such as the babassu women and andiroba women.

  Over the last 4 years I made a major turn on my life, leaving Rio de Janeiro, purchasing 400 hectares of land in a region which is a mixture of caatinga and cerrado,  the Buriti Doce farm. I am employed at a small state college nearby.

  I have been running a series of agro-ecological experiments in this land. In preparing to plant 10 hectares of bixa orellana  and pineapple, we tested some slash and burn practices which are considered less harming (queimada de toco vivo). This technique, includes several security measures, selected trees are cut in a way they will re-grow, and the most wood is saved for other uses. We made 20 traditional ovens to produce charcoal in the area, which burned for a week or so (see pictures - the wood is covered in earth with an opening on each end of the caeira).

  The innovation was accompanied by the IBAMA (National environmental agency) and was used to teach local farmers. It resulted in some 1000 kg of charcoal, which I have been resisting to sell.

  I want to ask you if my charcoal can be used as Biochar. I would also like to volunteer the farm as an experimental area for anyone who may wish to study this production in this climate/soil conditions.

  As you must know, the State of Piauí is pioneering biodiesel production, and there are major plants in the neighborhood.

  In case you show any interest, I can deliver written materials to you. Please see pictures of the traditional charcoal making ovens.

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