[Terrapreta] why we must relate to cap and trade

Duane Pendergast still.thinking at computare.org
Wed May 14 13:16:09 CDT 2008



Our politicians got us into Kyoto without understanding just what they were
committing to and then did not act. I wish we had formally withdrawn from
Kyoto, as it allows, before getting into the obligation phase when we
realized it was hopeless. Canada has not withdrawn, but has announced quite
publicly and internationally that we will not meet the targets.  It seems so
far Canada has  done that with impunity.  I've read a couple of news
articles suggesting we may be asked to reckon up, but have not heard of
anything with teeth.


I guess it is pretty deplorable to make such a commitment and then not
deliver.  On the other hand we may have been sold a wooden nickel when we
signed on. I'm coming to appreciate in my old age that is how international
politics works.




-----Original Message-----
From: Sean K. Barry [mailto:sean.barry at juno.com] 
Sent: May 14, 2008 10:31 AM
To: still.thinking at computare.org; 'lou gold'; 'Terrapreta'
Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] why we must relate to cap and trade


Hi Duane,


Canada signed the Kyoto Protocol, right?  How does Canada pay for the
"carbon credits" for the emissions of CO2 from Canada?

How does any signing country pay these now?





----- Original Message ----- 


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