[Terrapreta] Why farms must change to save the planet

Kevin Chisholm kchisholm at ca.inter.net
Tue May 20 16:29:25 CDT 2008

Dear Lou

lou gold wrote:
> Kevin,
> Cows digest organic carbon and fart methane, a highly potent 
> greenhouse gas.

Yes, about 20 times more effective a GHG. However, there is no net 
change in the long term. If the world had only farting cows and not coal 
mines and oil wells and fossil methane deposits that burped, there would 
be no net increase in atmospheric CO2. Unless, of course, natural 
cycles, such as sun spots and whatever else Good Old Mother Nature wants 
to heap upon us, melts the Permafrost Regions, so that that organic 
matter can oxidize.

Focusing on cow burps and termite farts is diversionary. To reduce Man 
Made GHG's, reduce fossil fuel consumption.

> lou
> On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Kevin Chisholm 
> <kchisholm at ca.inter.net <mailto:kchisholm at ca.inter.net>> wrote:
>     Dear Lou
>     lou gold wrote:
>>     Interesting article from Scotland but no mention of biochar.
>>     "Why farms must change to save the planet"
>>     http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/latestnews/Why-farms-must-change-to.4094167.jp
>     Any Study that blames cow farts on Scotland's Greenhouse Gas
>     Emissions is faulty. Cows don't eat coal or oil... they eat grass.
>     Grass is a "biofood" that comes from the biosphere. Cows are
>     "solar fed."
>     Kevin
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