[Terrapreta] Purity of the list topic & 2 questions

Richard Haard richrd at nas.com
Sat May 31 17:54:22 CDT 2008

On May 31, 2008, at 2:43 PM, Roy Lent wrote:

> 1. Is it possible that low grade lignite coal could give the same TP  
> effect in soil that charcoal does?

no (no remnants of vascular elements)

has anyone ever compared in real test?
> 2. Is  (? addition of either material?? to soil) TP more effective  
> in wet tropical soils than in temperate soils?
Yes (soil chemistry and biology)

Beyond above additional questions could be more specific in searching  
for an understanding.  (not that I have answers either)

charcoal effect in soil vs soil OM in either climate?
charcoal effect versus soil type ie silica dominant, clay dominant and  
gradations in either climate?
   For example charcoal effect in highly acid leached temperate soils  
versus the chernozem nutrient retentive soils of the US corn belt.
charcoal effect in soil vs soil natural fertility in either climate  
ie  glacial tills, volcanic derived soils versus oxysols never glaciated
charcoal effect in soil vs susceptibility to leaching
charcoal effect with or without preconditioning of charcoal, with or  
without chemical and biological effects of fire and combustion  
products in treated soil

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