[Terrapreta] commercial charcaol.

Michael Bailes michaelangelica at gmail.com
Wed May 9 12:25:52 CDT 2007

> While in Korea last Fall I noticed an article in the paper that reported
> on
> high levels of heavy metals in charcoal fuel briquettes made from refuse.
> Tom

i agree Tom heavy metals are a problem  a problem with char made from

In Oz there is usually a distinction made between charcoal and "heat beads"
that are compressed with all sorts of extraneous flamable stuff (They don't
say what)

> Subject: [Terrapreta] commercial charcaol.
> Can anyone advise does regular commercial charcoal such as
> Kingsford have any particularly nasty materials in it as binders
> or anything or is it acceptable to add to soil as well.
> Thank you,
> Michael; N Trevor
> Marshall Islands
> _
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