[Terrapreta] biochar and sugarcane growth (reply to AD Karve)

Jeff Davis jeff0124 at velocity.net
Sat May 19 18:29:18 CDT 2007

Tom wrote:
> Possible? Yes. Desirable? Yes. Worth it to the mill owner? That depends on
> the value of the char. Making char requires a significant investment and,
> more importantly, it is a different business than making sugar. For some
> reason the mill owners always want to see a profit.

I agree!

> How many Mr. Charcoals do you need per hundred tons of bagasse per day?

Oh, too many Tom.

BUT, I have only ~8 hours invested, building and running(I have almost no
time to invest in this).

Tom wrote "[w]orth it to the mill owner?", if we have good engineering,
marketing and a lot of luck. I like "monkey see monkey do", get somebody
going with this and add some marketing so that others can see how it
works. That will be the true test. It will live or die on it's own but we
need to give it a good start.

The point being: If a total "country pumpkin", with junk and a welder, can
make a gas fuel AND charcoal then a real
builder/designer/engineer/companey should be able to do this at your

With biomass we can have our cake and eat it to.... so to speak. Reach for
the stars!


Jeff Davis

Some where 20 miles south of Lake Erie, USA

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