[Terrapreta] no instantaneousness = no overnight

Michael Bailes michaelangelica at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 04:01:59 CDT 2008

Has anyone looked at changes in Ph over time?

How would all this affect a production nursery producing say 4 months
(primulas), 1 YO -2YO camellia plants for market.?
Any clues?

I *seem to* have noticed char in pots *seems to* make them easier to re-wet
if they dry out (less hygroscopic)

2008/6/2 folke Günther <folkeg at gmail.com>:

> The Terra Preta soils are more than 500 years old. Thinking of creating
> them overnight is as futile as thinking of getting a wine similar to a
> Pemier Crus Bourgogne from a three-week wine making kit.

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