[Terrapreta] no instantaneousness = no overnight

Michael Bailes michaelangelica at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 04:21:00 CDT 2008

I worry a little when we just talk about Char as it is the total TP story.
Certainly it is the part of TP that western agriculture that has ignored, up
to now.
However worms have to eat something and that means SOM, unless someone
discovers they eat glomalin or some similar substance produced by the
catalyst effect of char.

With dry soils with 3% organic matter ,Australian soils are not going to
feed too many worms.

2008/6/2 folke Günther <folkeg at gmail.com>:

>    - *onths)* There will be a very fast increase in the earthworm
>    population, both in number and size. This is probably an effect of the
>    increased soil microorganism population.
>    - *(6 months +) *The effect on plants due to the above is rather
>    dramatic and well known by the members of this list.
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