[Terrapreta] Energy Source

Kurt Treutlein rukurt at westnet.com.au
Sun May 11 18:12:54 CDT 2008

Sean, does your knee normally jerk like that?
You don't seem to have read the article at the URL I posted.

Sean K. Barry wrote:
>  Hi Kurt, Duane,
>  Are we going to make Earth look like Mars (no more water) by using
>  Hydrogen from water cracking as a "fuel", or are we going to use the
>  better way?

There was nothing in there about H2, cracking water or what have you in 
that context
>  Considering that burning hydrogen fuel results in water emissions
>  (2H2 + O2 => H2O), this seems like a somewhat stupid conjecture.

Where did this come from????

>  Still, using nuclear energy isn't a bad idea.

Something that makes sense.

Lots of people get
>  their worries going over dealing with spent nuclear fuels.

The author "claims" no spent fuel as such. You're an IT man, as such I 
doubt that you have much to input on nuclear matters, except knee jerks

>  Did the Soviets "steal" nuclear secrets from the USA?

What has that got to do with anything? And I expect that the thievery 
went both ways.

>  Who is Bob Dratch?  It seems he does not realize how many tons of
>  spent nuclear fuel would be required to extract enough "weapons grade
>  plutonium" out of to make even one bomb.

Don't know who he is and what does plutonium extraction actually have to 
do with getting heat out of thorium.
>  Conventional reactors based on that really yucky substance, "uranium"
>  make plutonium as a waste substance.

Really, this isn't a "conventional reactor, it's based on that somewhat 
less yucky substance Thorium, which your parents may have used if they 
used Aladin Lamps or Coleman or Tilley Lamps.

>  That probably isn't the most scientifically stated, but observant
>  statement that I've ever read.

You're still not making sense.

>  It will be very interesting if Bob Dratch really has a product (or
>  licenses) available anytime soon.  This would be a great change to
>  energy supplies if it does truly work out this simply.

Finally!! Another statement that makes sense. Parenthetically,  when 
will you have a product or licence available for your all singing and 
dancing char-machine?

I wonder if there is anyone on this list who actually knows enough to 
make rational comments on this matter?



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