[Terrapreta] why we must relate to cap and trade
lou gold
lou.gold at gmail.com
Wed May 14 09:36:51 CDT 2008
Hi Kevin,
I don't think about it.
I know that I'm trying to promote biochar.
I'll let others think about coal.
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 11:30 AM, Kevin Chisholm <kchisholm at ca.inter.net>
> Dear Lou
> I think I see a great way for us to make an absolute fortune from the Cap
> and Trade System.
> 1: We ask the EPA for a listing of all their environmental requirements for
> them to approve a coal fired power plant..
> 2: We then write them another letter to the effect: "If we design a power
> plant burning 1,000,000 tons of coal per year, and it fully meets the
> requirements laid out in your previous correspondance, will you approve
> Construction of such a plant?
> 3: When they say yes, then we write back "I hereby apply for approval to
> build 5 such plants."
> 4: When we receive confirmation of the Approval, we then decide not to
> build the plants, and we sell off the 5,000,000 TPY of credits for not
> burning the coal.
> 5: Then we split the incoming cash 50-50.
> We have to more quickly, to get the Approval before the Cap is set.
> However, once it is set, then we are set!!
> Think that would work?
> 5 million tonnes of unburned coal should get about 15 million tons of CO2
> Credits. At $40 per tonne, this is $600 million per year.
> What will you do with your $300 million per year?
> There might be a problem... those promoting the Cap and Trade System might
> want to keep all the Approvals for themselves. They didn't do all this good
> work so that Outsider people like us could easily cash in on their efforts.
> How do you think we should proceed?
> Kevin ;-)
> lou gold wrote:
>> There is a very interesting editorial in today's NY Times
>> May 14, 2008
>> Editorial: The Post-Bush Climate
>> http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/14/opinion/14wed1.html?hp=&pagewanted=print<
>> http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/14/opinion/14wed1.html?hp=&pagewanted=print
>> >
>> It notes that all three US presidential candidates have indicated that
>> they favor some sort of cap-and-trade system. My guess is that cap-and-trade
>> is coming. This means than there will soon be a huge pool of monies to
>> support activities that are viewed as sequestering carbon.
>> This is becoming no longer a philosophical or ideological or moral matter.
>> It is happening and many folks (the good, the bad, the etc) are positioning
>> themselves to bargain for the offset bucks.
>> I believe that this is why we are suddenly seeing foolish proposals like
>> growing and burying trees. Why? Because growing and burying trees has some
>> concrete metrics associated with it. There is measurable carbon retrieval.
>> There is measurable organic carbon to be buried (or perhaps sunk into oceans
>> where big logs don't deteriorate). The point is that the discussion is
>> shifting to metrics and the biochar movement better have some way to measure
>> its benefits if it hopes to compete.
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