[Terrapreta] pulverizing charcoal

Roy Lent rwlent at gmail.com
Tue May 20 03:36:27 CDT 2008

The functions of the charcoal, especially in holding elements like
phosphorous, seem to involve its surface area. That automatically suggests
grinding it fine in order for it to start acting at full force right from
the beginning. This is obviously something to research though.


On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 2:17 AM, folke Günther <folkeg at gmail.com> wrote:

> * Why do you want to crush he char? I don't understand why it is
> necessary.
> Unless the pieces are so large that they cause an unbalance in the
> distribution of the  precious material, I just put them on/in the
> ground/compost. The worms and the plant roots  will do the job. After a
> year, all pieces are conveniently small.
> FG*
> 2008/5/20 May Waddington <may.waddington at gmail.com>:
>> Ideas you do have! I think the party idea is the most sustainable, though.
>> Thank you!
>> 2008/5/19 Roy Lent <rwlent at gmail.com>:
>>>  I have to try as I'm supposed to be an idea type person.  Get a good
>>> sized piece of the heavy plasic sheeting used to line land fills and such.
>>> Decide where to hold a pulverizing party. Lay out the sheeting on the floor
>>> and cover it with the lumpy charcoal. Fold the rest of the sheeting on top
>>> and clamp the edges, This will have the same sort of attraction as do the
>>> plastic bubbles in that wrapping sheeting. Everyone loves to pop them!
>>> Everyone one will love to search out and crunch the charcoal lumps. Hold
>>> regular charcoal crunching parties or dances. The kids will love it!
>>> Roy
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> ----------------------------------------
> Folke Günther
> Kollegievägen 19
> 224 73 Lund
> Sweden
> Phone: +46 (0)46 141429
> Cell: +46 (0)709 710306
> URL: http://www.holon.se/folke
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