[Terrapreta] Fukuoka - No Till Farming

MFH mfh01 at bigpond.net.au
Fri May 23 16:17:28 CDT 2008

Through Michael's message I was led into the
http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/208 site end then into: 


"[1]  Fukuoka, M. One Straw Revolution:  The Natural Way of Farming. Emmaus,
Pennsylvania, Rodale Press,  1978.

-------- the natural Way of Farming:  The Theory and Practice of Green
Philosophy. Tokyo and New York:  Japan Publications. 1985.

available by download from:  www.soilandhealth.org
<http://www.soilandhealth.org/> . "

I remember reading Fukuoka many years ago and perhaps that unconsciously
moulded some of my agricultural philosophies. Reading it again reinforces so
much that I'd recommend it to everyone on the list. 

Max H




From: terrapreta-bounces at bioenergylists.org
[mailto:terrapreta-bounces at bioenergylists.org] On Behalf Of Michael Bailes
Sent: Friday, 23 May 2008 5:41 PM
To: lou gold; Terra Preta
Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] No-till farming doesn't work as C-saver



2008/5/23 lou gold <lou.gold at gmail.com>:

Please excuse my ignorance of farming practices but is there a way to
combine bio-char and no-till? I am asking because Brazil has a huge amount
of land already under no-till regimes and that is not likely to change.


 No till gardening is being encouraged in Oz.

 We even have TV adds about it !

Here are some web links 


Michael the Archangel
"Politicians will never solve The Problem;
because they don't realise they are The Problem.".
-Robert ( Bob ) Parsons 1995

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